Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Museum Aschenbrenner, Tausend Blumen. Preziosen aus Glas und Porzellan, 13. July-16. Oktober 2016
Modell, 1745
Hard-paste porcelain
14.5 x 23.5 x 9 cm (5 ³/₄ x 9 ¹/₄ x 3 ¹/₂ inches)
Work report of Johann Friedrich Eberlein, September 1745:
“12. Eine Sauciere mit vielen Französischen Zierathen nebst verzierten Henckel vor Sr. Hoch-Reichs-Gräffl. Excell. den Herrn Geheimbden Cabinets-Ministre, Grafen von Brühl.“ (AA I Ab 24, fol. 371)
Graphic source:
Sambucus vulgaris in Phytanthoza Iconographia by the Regensburg apothecary Johann Wilhelm Weinmann (1683–1741), which appeared between 1737 and 1745.
From the service commissioned by Heinrich Graf von Brühl in 1742 and listed at his death in 1763 in his Dresden palace in the Augustusstrasse
Claudia Bodinek, Ein Meissener Porzellanservice für den Grafen. Das Brühl ’sche Allerlei, in: Keramos 235/236 (2017, published 2019), pp. 3−134, here p. 130
REF No. 0040-
A coffee and tea service with 'Kauffahrtei' scenes on a yellow ground
Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706 - 1775) A ormolu mounted sheep
Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706 - 1775) Two parrots "medium sort"
Johann Joachim Kaendler (1706 - 1775) A Spaniel
A pair of candlesticks from the service 'Gotzkowskys erhabene Blumen'
An Augustus Rex vase with emblems of the seasons